Cumberland County Library

  1. 3. This kind of label tells you where the book goes in the library.
  2. 5. This is what you call the person who writes a book.
  3. 8. What do you need to check out items at the library?
  4. 11. You can also visit _______ with the library's free passes.
  5. 12. Books that read to you are called _______.
  1. 1. You can check this device out to use inside the library.
  2. 2. Small devices that you can listen to books on are called _____.
  3. 4. Books with facts and information are called _______.
  4. 5. Fiction books are arranged in this order.
  5. 6. You can borrow books for ______ weeks.
  6. 7. Made-up stories are called this _________.
  7. 9. The second floor area is the ________ section.
  8. 10. Computer classes are taught in the computer ___.