Cumulative 3

  1. 3. To prevent CV disease, exercise _____ Spell number)minutes per day
  2. 4. One of the classic signs of diabetes insipidus
  3. 8. part of the heart affected that causes a murmur
  4. 11. drug prescribed for asthma
  5. 14. monitors heart rate and rhythm
  6. 17. rhythm with even and discernible P wave and QRS complex, normal rate
  7. 18. used to control heart rate
  8. 19. removal of the spleen
  9. 22. mucosal edema is a symptom
  10. 23. electrolyte imbalance associated with diabetes insipidus
  11. 28. abnormal heart rate
  12. 29. Basophils, neutrophils, ________
  13. 30. _______sulfate
  14. 31. pulse checked for one full minute
  15. 32. Endocrine disease treated with corticosteroids
  1. 1. Concern with levothyroxine
  2. 2. prescribed for Grave's disease
  3. 5. important measurement in patients with CHF; fluid retention
  4. 6. fatal rhythm with no discernible p waves or QRS complexes
  5. 7. ______toxicity; cardiac medication
  6. 9. extravasation is a complication of what type of drug?
  7. 10. treated/relieved with rest and nitroglycerin (2 words)
  8. 12. difficulty breathing; positional
  9. 13. ______therapy to break up or dissolve clots
  10. 15. med given for an acute MI that relaxes muscles and reduces oxygen demand on the heart
  11. 16. Cordarone
  12. 17. pain in upper teeth is a symptom
  13. 20. lab test/value to check for kidney damage
  14. 21. One of the diabetic emergencies (abbreviate)
  15. 24. type of pain to look out for with Crestor
  16. 25. gelatin allergy would a contraindication for this vaccine
  17. 26. one of the allergies thats a contraindication to radiology with contrast
  18. 27. immune____ given for a disease such as hepatitis A