Cuphead (Easy!)

  1. 2. The train in Inkwell Isle 3
  2. 5. The robot in Inkwell Isle 3
  3. 6. The genie in Inkwell Isle 2
  4. 8. The candy queen in Inkwell Isle 2
  5. 11. The rat/cat in Inkwell Isle 3
  6. 15. The flower in Inkwell Isle 1
  7. 16. The bird in Inkwell Isle 2
  8. 19. The veggies in Inkwell Isle 1
  9. 21. The frogs in Inkwell Isle 1
  10. 24. The pirate in Inkwell Isle 3
  11. 25. The dragon in Inkwell Isle 2
  1. 1. The clown in Inkwell Isle 2
  2. 3. The person who provides you a super
  3. 4. The shopkeeper who lends you weapons/charms in exchange for gold coins.
  4. 7. The Devil's right hand man
  5. 9. The queen bee in Inkwell Isle 3
  6. 10. The antagonist in Cuphead.
  7. 12. The other main protagonist
  8. 13. The actress in Inkwell Isle 3
  9. 14. The blimp in Inkwell Isle 1
  10. 17. The blob in Inkwell Isle 1
  11. 18. The mermaid in Inkwell Isle 3
  12. 20. The main protagonist
  13. 22. The game's currency
  14. 23. The place where Chalice is stuck in the urn and you parry the ghosts