  1. 1. Gemstone used as jewelry or for ornaments
  2. 4. Colorful face coverings for opera performance
  3. 5. CUSA Family Theme
  4. 9. Type of Chinese Opera that we watched an video on
  5. 11. bear species endemic to China
  6. 12. Chinese Undergraduate ____ Assocation
  7. 15. Chinese traditional instrument frequently used in chinese opera
  8. 16. Chinese performers put on for performance
  1. 2. Zodiac Animal
  2. 3. Artistic chinese writing using brushes and ink
  3. 6. what country is opera from?
  4. 7. Actors Often Play Female Roles in Beijing Opera
  5. 8. Tea most commonly consumed drink, after water
  6. 10. Org CUSA collabs with for LNY
  7. 13. New Fundraiser Food Item
  8. 14. What time does CUSA meetings end