Customer Service

  1. 3. treat others as you would like to be treated
  2. 8. in the communications cycle this is the content
  3. 9. can't be answered with yes or no
  4. 10. when handling difficult callers, focus on the ____not the person
  5. 11. excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior
  6. 13. always remember, our lines are _____
  7. 14. try to put yourself in the customers ____
  1. 1. treat others as they would like to be treated
  2. 2. never _____ with the caller
  3. 4. internal customers
  4. 5. the most important skill to have at this job
  5. 6. the assistance and other resources that a company provides to people who buy or use its product or service
  6. 7. when handling difficult callers, don't let the situation become ____
  7. 11. external customers
  8. 12. a pitfall