Customer Service

  1. 5. System you use to check your breaks/lunches
  2. 6. Line you call when you need a translator
  3. 8. Our team name
  4. 10. Video system that you log into every morning
  5. 11. An application used for communication
  6. 12. Form you fill out when customer does NOT want contact
  7. 14. Customer needs to be contacted by a Product ________
  8. 15. System you use to clock in/out everyday
  1. 1. Something you do immediately after a call
  2. 2. 3MIS/24MIS are know as...
  3. 3. Code you use to request to leave early
  4. 4. Phone system you log into every morning
  5. 7. what to get if the customer does not have a case number
  6. 9. Department you transfer to when a customer needs help
  7. 13. web browser that is used daily
  8. 14. The Customer Relationship Center is open everyday but this day