Customer Service

  1. 2. When someone needs to stop working for a period of time
  2. 6. What we want to be when someone calls with a challenge
  3. 7. When multiple teams work together
  4. 8. What the COE reviews and makes recommendations for action
  5. 9. What we strive for with Customer Service
  6. 11. The team that is our call center
  7. 13. What happens when we help someone, they are?
  8. 15. What's considered our business hours
  9. 17. What Workday is for us
  10. 19. Hear with intention
  1. 1. Who runs Labor Law Posters?
  2. 3. What we always want to be when someone calls us
  3. 4. The training we send out each year
  4. 5. What some may need in the morning
  5. 10. Who calls the HRSC?
  6. 12. What we do when we look up an answer
  7. 14. Provide the best to the customer
  8. 16. If the caller is upset, remain
  9. 18. Who do we send Tier 2 questions to?