Customer Service - A - H Vocab

  1. 3. dangerous areas (i.e. broken glass on the floor, water on the floor, etc.)
  2. 6. body language or verbal statements made by a customer that confirm the sale to a sales associate
  3. 7. keeping something private
  4. 8. scold or criticize someone angrily
  5. 12. explaining what is different between your product and someone else’s
  6. 14. a style for which a person would be dressed up to suit a fancy occasion
  7. 15. being polite
  8. 16. concern by a customer with guarding against the real or imagined threat of criticism, injury to one's ego, or exposure of one's shortcomings
  9. 18. an amount of money (or goods/services) given to a customer; the term could also refer to pay for working
  10. 19. items that can be offered to a customer which are similar to what they are requesting when you do not have them in stock.
  1. 1. doing the same act over and over
  2. 2. Americans with Disabilities Act; the law written by Congress to protect those with disabilities and which requires business to provide easy access to their business
  3. 4. covering everything
  4. 5. to get rid of something
  5. 9. To feel and partially understand another person feelings; how to deal with an inconvenienced customer
  6. 10. First In First Out
  7. 11. not being polite or courteous
  8. 13. a problem someone has
  9. 17. to feel like you deserve something when you haven’t worked for it