Customer Service Week

  1. 2. _______ Center
  2. 6. Virtual meeting
  3. 7. Always on Thursdays
  4. 10. A great restaurant on campus.
  5. 12. When someone advises of a reaction to a medicine.
  6. 14. When you ask questions to further understand the situation.
  7. 16. Popular in 200
  8. 17. Acronym for healthcare provider
  1. 1. Amplity Values
  2. 3. You take ___________ on a call when you advise that you will assist someone.
  3. 4. _______ Pharmaceuticals
  4. 5. CRM
  5. 8. System we use to file reports
  6. 9. Meeting room
  7. 10. ______ Health
  8. 11. Enjoying lots of food
  9. 13. What you show to make sure someone understands that you care.
  10. 15. Where we wish Customer Service Week could be!