Customer Service Week

  1. 4. closest star to earth
  2. 5. scientific term for 'shooting stars'
  3. 6. transmit information
  4. 7. Recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
  5. 9. contentment
  6. 11. take one for the _____
  7. 12. the stars of the stars and stripes meaning
  8. 13. agency known to shoot for the stars
  9. 15. lend a hand
  10. 16. hear with intention
  1. 1. someone who has one first place in a competition
  2. 2. the act of giving hope or support to someone
  3. 3. someone who pays for goods or services
  4. 8. good natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
  5. 9. work done by a person or group that benefits another
  6. 10. the ___ before the storm
  7. 14. a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of your mouth