Customer Service

  1. 2. Guidelines for giving good service
  2. 4. These skills are an important part of a customer service job
  3. 9. Where you greet a customer
  4. 11. Positive body language
  5. 12. Receptionists should make sure all customers do this when they arrive
  6. 14. Another word for welcome
  7. 17. Customer expect this
  8. 18. Another word for co-worker
  9. 19. Customer service job role
  1. 1. Customer inquiries?
  2. 3. A receptionist may use this list to find staff
  3. 5. Place where you work
  4. 6. All customer service staff need this so they know how to do their job properly
  5. 7. of polite
  6. 8. A colleague is this type of customer
  7. 10. Another word for assist
  8. 13. External customer
  9. 15. The correct way or method to provide good customer service
  10. 16. Customer Service assistants should always be this