Customer service

  1. 2. If customers return to the business to buy again, they are R_____ customers.
  2. 6. Staff need to have a high level of this so that they can answer customer's questions.
  3. 7. Customers want this so the business and its products are easy to use.
  4. 9. Customers would expect this of the business's products as part of the service they receive.
  5. 11. High levels of customer service are likely to lead to higher levels of this from customers.
  1. 1. A high number of these suggests customer service is not as good as it should be.
  2. 3. If customers are treated better than they expected, their expectations will have been E________
  3. 4. Customer E_________ are how the customer expects to be treated by a business.
  4. 5. This needs to be high, so that customers get their product or service as soon as they need it.
  5. 8. Three words (W.O.M)If a business offers good customer service, people recommend them to friends.
  6. 10. If orders are this, then the customer gets what they want.