Cuz I need no reason to Love you.

  1. 3. What I believe to be your area of expertise
  2. 6. Our favorite color
  3. 8. My favorite activity with you
  4. 9. What I call you
  5. 10. My favorite thing to touch
  6. 15. why we are currently apart
  7. 16. you favorite fictional character
  8. 17. My weak spot
  1. 1. Who you currently live with
  2. 2. Your field of interest in academia
  3. 4. what you call me
  4. 5. “love” in our code language
  5. 7. “miss” in our code language
  6. 11. My favorite fictional character
  7. 12. My favorite series
  8. 13. My favorite thing to look at
  9. 14. the series we couldn’t continue