CW 12

  1. 4. Violations of the criminal law committed by persons of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation
  2. 6. ideas, inventions, and creative expressions of people and companies
  3. 8. Unlawful activities of a highly organized group engaged in supplying illegal goods/services
  1. 1. Group of individuals with an identifiable hierarchy, and extensive supporting networks, engaged in significant criminal activity
  2. 2. prohibits monopolies
  3. 3. A violation of a criminal statute either by a corporate entity or by its executives, employees, or agents acting on behalf of and for the benefit of the corporation, partnership, or other form of business entity
  4. 5. prohibits mergers that may result in monopolies
  5. 7. The process by which illegal gains are disguised as legal income
  6. 9. Specifically targets activities of organized crime