
  1. 1. To give knowledge of ___ unto his people by the remission of their sins
  2. 3. And ___ came on all that dwelt round about them ...
  3. 4. In ___ and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
  4. 6. ... thou shalt conceive in thy womb ... and shalt call his name ___
  5. 9. And the child grew, and ___ strong in spirit ...
  6. 10. ... the Lord is with thee: ___ art thou among women.
  7. 12. For he hath regarded the low ___ of his handmaiden ...
  1. 1. ... that we being delivered out of ... our enemies might ___ him ...
  2. 2. And she coming in that instant gave ___ likewise unto the Lord ...
  3. 5. ... while he executed the priest’s ___ before God in the order of his course
  4. 7. And Mary said, Behold the ___ of the Lord ...
  5. 8. ... to make ready a ___ prepared for the Lord.
  6. 11. ... they perceived that he had seen a vision ... for he ... remained ___