  1. 3. Behavior it is the manner in which fuel ignites, flame develops, and fire spreads. Sometimes used to distinguish characteristics of one particular fire from typical fire characteristics.
  2. 5. it is the actual physical fire fighting operation utilizing available manpower and equipment. The implementation of tactical plans on the fire ground in an aggressive manner.
  3. 7. any substance which reacts chemically with oxygen and produces flames.
  4. 8. Triangle a plane geometric figure in which the three sides of an equilateral triangle represent oxygen, heat, and fuel, these elements are necessary to sustain combustion.
  5. 11. Chemical Energy It is the most common source of heat in combustion reactions. When any combustible is in contact with oxygen oxidation occurs.
  6. 12. it is the transfer of heat by circulation of heated currents of liquids and gases.
  7. 13. Chloride colorless, corrosive, nonflammable gas, formula HCl, with a characteristic penetrating, suffocating odor.
  8. 14. Chain Reaction an initial burning process wherein vapors or gases are released from flammable materials. Atoms and molecules are released from these vapors and combine with other radicals to form new compounds.
  9. 15. flame bluish in color; it does not deposit soot because it is a product of complete combustion; it has a higher temperature than luminous flame.
  10. 16. it is the science that deals with the study of matter and energy and their mutual interactions.
  11. 17. Fuel Fuel is the material or substance being burned in the combustion process. In scientific terms, the fuel in a combustion reaction is known as the reducing agent.
  12. 18. flame (rough flame) those having unsteady, irregular swirls and eddies.
  13. 22. defined It refers to the chemical process whereby fire consumes the most solid part of the fuel. It is the thermal decomposition of a solid fuel through the action of heat.
  14. 25. Prevention fire protection activities that deal with preventing fires from starting by eliminating fire hazards through inspection and education programs.
  15. 26. it is any department of knowledge in which the results of investigation have been systematized in the form of hypotheses and general laws subject to verification.
  16. 27. Ladder it is the lowest section of an extension ladder into which the upper section or fly ladder retracts. The lowest section of an aerial ladder that beds onto truck frame.
  17. 28. Heat the transmission of heat through the medium of heat rays or heat waves.
  18. 31. it is a manner or action of a substance or organism under a specific sets of condition.
  19. 32. Platform Apparatus it is a mechanically raised platform mounted on fire apparatus and designed for rescue and firefighting service.
  20. 36. flame (smooth flame) flame is laminar when particle follows a smooth path through a gaseous flame.
  21. 37. Energy Nuclear heat energy is generated when atoms either split apart (fission) or combine (fusion).
  22. 38. Oxygen a colorless, odorless gas and one of the compositions of air which is approximately 21 % by volume.
  23. 39. flame example of flame of the oxyacetylene torch.
  24. 42. these are smallest particles of elements that take part in a chemical reaction.
  25. 43. Tentrahendon Another explanation of the requirement of combustion which uses four-sided figure. The three (3) elements of fire under the Fire triangle Theory are present however, the fourth element of the tetrahedron explanation is known as chemical reactivity, or chemical reaction.
  1. 1. it is a chemical process reaction caused by oxidation that produces heat and light. The production of light in the combustion process is the difference between oxidation and combustion. Oxidation, regardless of slowness, will give off heat but n light will be produced.
  2. 2. Fire Planning it is an advance planning of possible fire fighting operations by the fire department in a particular building or group of buildings.
  3. 4. Report the official report of a fire, generally prepared by the person in-charge of the fire incident.
  4. 5. Energy Electrical energy can generate temperatures high enough to ignite any combustible materials near the heated area.
  5. 6. Cyanide also called hydrocyanic acid and prussic acid, extremely poisonous, colorless liquid with a bitter-almond odor.
  6. 9. Oxidizing agents are those materials that yield oxygen or other oxidizing gases during the process of a chemical reaction.
  7. 10. Transfer the movement and dispersion of heat by conduction, radiation, or convection.
  8. 11. Heat Heat is the energy component of the fire tetrahedron. When heat comes in contact with a fuel, the energy supports the combustion process.
  9. 14. it is the rapid oxidation of combustible materials accompanied by the released of energy in the form of heat and light.
  10. 15. flame example of a Bunsen burner.
  11. 16. estimate the situation.
  12. 19. it is the main structural member of a ladder supporting the rungs or rung block.
  13. 20. Sulfide a colorless flammable poisonous gas with a characteristics smell of rotten eggs.
  14. 21. the transfer of heat from one body to another by direct contact (electric stove electrode to utensil), within the same body (metal rod heated at one end).
  15. 23. Hazards conditions that are conducive to fire or are likely to increase the extent of severity of fire.
  16. 24. a form of energy generated by the transmission of some other form of energy, as in combustion or burning
  17. 25. Door a specially constructed, tested, and approved door installed for the purpose of preventing the spread of the fire.
  18. 26. Resistive material and design of building construction meant to withstand the maximum effect of fire for a specific duration or period of time.
  19. 29. of Combustion materials given off or released during the burning process.
  20. 30. it refers to the crime f intentionally setting fire to a building or other property. The willful and malicious burning of the property of another.
  21. 33. it is the luminous body of a burning gas which gets hotter and less luminous when mixed with more oxygen.
  22. 34. it is a device used for making a connection when threads do not match or when they are different in sizes.
  23. 35. Flame a reddish-orange in color; it deposits soot because it is a product of incomplete combustion; it has lower temperature.
  24. 40. Tetrahedron a four-sided, solid geometric figure that resembles a pyramid, with one of the sides forming the base. Each side indicates one of the four elements required to have fire.
  25. 41. it is the science that deals with the study of matter which treats of the structure, composition, and properties of substances and of the transformations which they undergo.