
  1. 2. Process of identifying a user
  2. 4. Changing your IP address to read a false location
  3. 5. A group of applications used to complete a task
  4. 8. Virtual Private Network
  5. 10. A series of computers connected as one entity
  6. 11. Collection of programs that allow remote access to hackers
  7. 13. Malware that tracks your activities
  8. 14. Virus detection technology
  9. 16. Malicious software
  10. 18. Hackers using scams to attain sensitive info
  11. 19. Malware that reproduces itself
  1. 1. Two or more connected computers sharing resources
  2. 3. Tricking a user into clicking onto something they didn't want to
  3. 6. Coding used to protect sensitive data
  4. 7. Network of infected computers
  5. 9. Malware that holds your system hostage
  6. 10. Distributed Denial of Service
  7. 12. Internet protocol
  8. 15. Malware that manipulates data and spreads to other systems
  9. 17. tech used to keep out unwanted users