
  1. 1. ________ settings let you decide who can see what you post.
  2. 2. A secret word or phrase that may include numbers, letters, or symbols
  3. 5. _______ card. You can use this instead of money to buy things at a store or online.
  4. 8. When you don't pay for something and just take it
  5. 10. when you're on the internet, clicking on a _______ will take you to a new page or location
  6. 11. Sending a letter through the computer.
  7. 12. _______ security - the title of this crossword
  1. 1. Ring, ring. You probably carry this with you in your pocket or purse every day!
  2. 3. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok are examples of ______ media
  3. 4. It may look like a real email, but if it's asking you to share your passsword, it's probably ____
  4. 6. Putting a new software program or app on your phone
  5. 7. Another word for coins, dollars, loonies, and toonies
  6. 8. When you post pictures of your cat or tell someone your good news
  7. 9. Information that you need to keep hidden or private