Cybersecurity Crossword

  1. 2. A technology that allows us to access our files through the internet from anywhere in the world
  2. 7. A piece of malware that can replicate itself in order to spread the infection to other connected computers
  3. 10. An internet version of a home address for your computer, which identifies it when it’s connected to the internet
  4. 11. An umbrella term that describes all forms of malicious software designed to cause havoc on a computer
  5. 12. A technique hackers use to hide their identity to pretend to be someone else or simply try to fool you over the internet
  6. 13. A person who uses programming skills to cause damage to a computer system, steal data and in general conduct illegal cyber activities
  7. 15. A weakness in computer software
  1. 1. A computer system that has been infected by malware and is now part of a hacker’s botnet
  2. 3. A group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole
  3. 4. A defensive technology focused on keeping the bad guys out
  4. 5. The moment a hacker successfully exploits a vulnerability in a computer or device, and gains access to its files and network
  5. 6. A malicious application or script that can be used to take advantage of a computer’s vulnerability
  6. 8. An acronym that stands for Distributed Denial of Service
  7. 9. An extra copy of data from a computer
  8. 14. A piece of malware that often allows a hacker to gain remote access to a computer