Cybersecurity Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Kiddies / attack computers without knowledge of computers
  2. 4. Citizen / citizen that's familiar with technology.
  3. 6. /Malicious software, such as viruses
  4. 7. /wireless data network technology
  5. 9. /internet of things (abbreviation)
  6. 10. Strain / eye pain from looking at device.
  7. 12. Footprint /records from everything done online.
  8. 13. addiction / person addicted to technology.
  9. 14. device /device that is smart.
  10. 15. / malicious computer code that reproduces
  11. 16. /web announcement that falsely claims.
  12. 17. /Collection of harmful computer code
  13. 18. /unlocking encrypted information
  1. 2. / repetitive strain injuries (abbreviation)
  2. 3. /Taking someone else’s work.
  3. 5. / rules of Internet etiquette.
  4. 8. /Website edited by public
  5. 10. /Electronic waste from discarded digital devices.
  6. 11. /method of “scrambling” information
  7. 14. / Unwanted and unknown repeated messages.