Cybersecurity Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Prevents unauthorized axes.
  2. 5. Encrypts user data.
  3. 8. Malware disguised as legit files.
  4. 10. Provides services over the internet.
  5. 12. Scrambles data for security.
  6. 14. Dangerous and can bypass security.
  7. 15. A group of applications.
  8. 16. Series of computers and peripherals.
  9. 17. Waves of requests force shutdown.
  10. 18. Malware that collects and transmits.
  11. 20. Changes, corrupts, or destroys information.
  1. 2. Protects data during encryption.
  2. 3. Shields users against viruses.
  3. 4. Hacker changes the IP address.
  4. 6. Malware that hijacks and encrypts.
  5. 7. Network of compromised computers.
  6. 9. Bad, evil software.
  7. 11. Fools victim into giving information.
  8. 13. A series of numbers.
  9. 19. Malware that reproduces and spreads.