Cybersecurity Training Activity

  1. 3. A software used to disable user access to their files until they pay the cybercriminal
  2. 4. An extra layer of security on applications containing sensitive data
  3. 7. A legislation that governs the handling of personal data(2 words and year)
  4. 8. The field of encrypting information so only authorised people can access it
  5. 10. When an individual or organisations private information is leaked(2 words)
  6. 11. A framework outlining standards and best practices for cybersecurity
  1. 1. Where a cybercriminal gets access to your personal details and impersonates you to do malicious activities(2 words)
  2. 2. A software used to harm computer systems or networks
  3. 5. A regulatory body for cybersecurity
  4. 6. A copy of sensitive data for redundancy to safeguard against cyber attacks
  5. 9. Where cybercriminals trick you into giving them sensitive information.