Cystic Fibrosis

  1. 1. The majority of patients with CF are?
  2. 4. The first symptom of CF is a frequent?
  3. 6. CF alters the function of what type of gland?
  4. 9. A diagnostic test for CF is the ____ chloride test.
  5. 10. A major objective of therapy for CF is to promote ____ of secretions.
  6. 12. CF is a chronic fatal ____ disease.
  1. 2. Since the 1990s, the prognosis of this disease has ____ dramatically.
  2. 3. Pancreatic insufficiency is caused primarily by ____ plugging the pancreatic duct.
  3. 5. CF-related ____ affects approximately 15% of patients with CF.
  4. 6. CF affects males and females _____.
  5. 7. CF primarily involves the ____, the pancreas, & the sweat glands.
  6. 8. Sweat glands excrete increased amounts of sodium and?
  7. 11. The most common genetic mutation in CF occurs in which gene? (acronym)