Cystic Fibrosis

  1. 5. Foul smelling, bulky oily stools
  2. 7. Abbreviation of the mutated gene
  3. 8. What type of autosomal genetic disorder is cystic fibrosis?
  4. 10. insufficiency Most common gastrointestinal complication in CF affecting pancreas
  5. 11. Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency
  6. 12. CFRD stands for Cystic Fibrosis Related ___
  1. 1. Medical assistance given to clear purulent and mucous secretions
  2. 2. Which type of organs or tissues are affected?
  3. 3. CF affects the bronchi causing its dialation called as ?
  4. 4. Spirogram shows reduced forced vital capacity due to airway obstruction known as "______ pattern"
  5. 6. Low fat soluble vitamins leads to _____ complication causing kyphosis or hunchback
  6. 9. chloride What is the "typical" or "classic" presentation of cystic fibrosis, clinically?