Scientific Method

  1. 5. Looking up information and finding facts.
  2. 6. Process that scientists us to test ideas and find answers.
  3. 7. Part of the experiment changed by the scientist.
  4. 11. Information and observations gathered during and experiment.
  5. 12. A problem that can be answered with an experiment.
  6. 13. Cool guys doing cool experiments.
  7. 14. Part of the experiment changed because of the independent variable.
  8. 15. The outcome proving or disproving your hypothesis with results.
  1. 1. Variables that remain unchanged during an experiment.
  2. 2. Looking at, watching, and collecting information.
  3. 3. Looking at data and results, then making decisions.
  4. 4. Another word for hypothesis.
  5. 8. The steps in the scientific process.
  6. 9. Prediction of what you think will be the outcome of an experiment.
  7. 10. Items you need to complete an experiment.