  1. 3. Radiosensitivity of the ova varies throughout the _____ of the germ cell.
  2. 5. Even low doses received during diagnostic imaging procedures can cause _______ damage
  3. 7. A 20Gy dose to female germ cells may be _______ if the dose is fractionated over several weeks.
  4. 11. ionizing radiation
  5. 12. ionizing radiation affects blood cells by ______ the number of active cells in the peripheral circulation.
  6. 14. Dose of 2 Gy to spermatogonia may cause temporary _____ , while 5 or 6 Gy may
  7. 16. Mature spermatogonia are specialized and do not divide, therefore, they are ______
  8. 17. One of the most radiosensitive type of human cell.
  9. 19. Ovaries of a fetus and young childern are very radiosensitive because they have a large number of ____ cells and immature cells.
  10. 20. Because the body is constantly regenerating, _______ tissue cells are highly radiosensitive.
  1. 1. Most red blood cells are produced in the bone _______.
  2. 2. Raditaion exposure decreases the number of _______ blood cells.
  3. 4. Male reproductive cells that have received 0.1 Gy or more may pass on genetic ____.
  4. 5. it to be permanent.
  5. 6. Neuron _______ - Period of development and change of the nerve cells in
  6. 8. Effects of ionizing radiation differ from female to male germ cells because of their different process of ______
  7. 9. cells, Because these cells are highly specialized and do not divide, they are relatively insensitive to radiation.
  8. 10. Radiation can temporary or permanently damage ____ and axon.
  9. 13. The more mature and __________ a cell is, the less sensitive it is to radiation.
  10. 15. the ________ radiation dose received, the _______ the amount of cell depletion.
  11. 18. If the offspring received damaged chromosomes, the child may be born with ______