D Puzzle

  1. 4. WE ARE
  2. 7. favorite food
  3. 10. owner whos dog needs a haircut
  4. 12. chocolate covered treat
  5. 14. april fools
  6. 15. queen of the mini
  7. 16. insurer of all bridges
  8. 19. ethnic appetizer
  1. 1. delta obsessed persons way to say your name
  2. 2. brother
  3. 3. snack of MLB
  4. 5. most hated aunt
  5. 6. offers best scholarship
  6. 8. not automatic
  7. 9. tik tok sensation
  8. 11. Kardashian family
  9. 13. crumb cake obsessed
  10. 15. AI powered search engine
  11. 17. upside down treat
  12. 18. cocktail rim