
  1. 2. __ problem is about rearranging the items in given list
  2. 3. a graph with few edges relative to number f vertices a is
  3. 4. the___of a tree is length of longer simple path from root o leap
  4. 8. for any vertex v in a tree t all vertices on simple path from root to that vertex re called
  5. 9. a__is a sequence of charactes
  6. 10. the searching problem deas with finding a value caled search
  7. 12. a ___ is a connected acyclic graph
  8. 13. algorithm designed to be executed in rames machines are __ algorithm
  9. 15. diagram
  1. 1. __ is a mixture of natural language and rpogrammin language
  2. 5. priority queue is based on an ingenious data structure
  3. 6. the __ of vertex v its length of simple path from root to v
  4. 7. an input of a problem specifies an ___ of a problem
  5. 11. a__is a list from which elements are deleted from one end of structure
  6. 14. a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem