Dacota Wimberly

  1. 2. Algebra uses variables to express general rules about
  2. 3. The mathematics of the properties and relationships of
  3. 4. The ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter
  4. 6. Factor The ratio of the lengths of corresponding sides of
  5. 7. relationships and opertions.
  6. 10. lines, angles, sufaces and solids.
  7. 11. Amathematical sentence that compares two unequal
  8. 14. similar figures
  9. 15. The measure, in square units, of the interior region of a
  10. 16. height.
  1. 1. The number of cuic units it takes to fill a solid.
  2. 2. equal to 3.14.
  3. 5. figure.
  4. 8. A part of a circle bounnded by a chord and the arc it
  5. 9. using one of the symbols.
  6. 12. Two rays that share an endpoint.
  7. 13. Dimensional Existing in 3 dimensions having length, width