Daddy's Fathers Day Crossword

  1. 3. fretted instrument
  2. 5. this puzzle
  3. 8. Jesse's math
  4. 9. Miss Mary______
  5. 11. eleven yrs
  6. 13. Dave Ramsey
  7. 14. "No bouncing balls in the ____!"
  8. 15. throne
  9. 16. dad's day
  10. 19. what you taught
  11. 20. Royce's oldest
  12. 22. where we ride bikes
  13. 23. streaking
  1. 1. brick toy
  2. 2. high king ____(Narnia)
  3. 4. PC
  4. 6. diamond field
  5. 7. sport that broke an arm
  6. 10. Chickfila:"My _____"
  7. 11. father-in-law's anniversary month
  8. 12. girls bedtime
  9. 17. song collection
  10. 18. your employer
  11. 21. online shop