Daily Crosswords

  1. 3. The inherent or ingrained biases within social, economic, or political systems that result in unfair advantages for certain groups of people
  2. 5. Preconceived opinions or attitudes formed without proper knowledge or understanding, often resulting in unfair treatment judgment
  3. 6. The act of being imprisoned or confined, often as a result of a criminal conviction
  4. 7. The quality of being just, equitable, and impartial in the treatment of individuals and the distribution of resources or opportunities
  5. 12. The pursuit of a fair and equitable society, where all individuals have equal access to resources, opportunities, and basic human rights
  6. 14. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on factors such as race, gender, or age
  7. 16. The efforts to improve and transform the criminal justice system, particularly in relation to the treatment and rehabilitation
  8. 18. The representation and advocacy provided by lawyers or legal professionals to individuals who are facing criminal charges or legal disputes
  9. 19. The absence of fairness or justice, often resulting in the mistreatment or oppression of certain individuals or communities
  10. 20. Fairness and righteousness in the treatment of individuals and the administration of laws
  1. 1. The state of being equal in rights, opportunities, and treatment regardless of one's race, gender, or background
  2. 2. The practice of targeting individuals for suspicion or scrutiny based on their race or ethnic background, rather than evidence of criminal activity
  3. 4. The ability to understand and share the feelings, experiences, and perspectives of others, often leading to compassion and a desire to help
  4. 8. The conviction and punishment of an individual for a crime they did not commit, often due to errors or misconduct within the criminal justice system
  5. 9. The legal punishment of execution for committing serious crimes, often reserved for the most heinous offenses
  6. 10. Compassion, forgiveness, or leniency shown towards someone who is facing punishment or hardship
  7. 11. The rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to by virtue of being a citizen, including the right to vote, freedom of speech, and equal protection under the law
  8. 13. The basic rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled, regardless of their nationality, race, gender, or other characteristics
  9. 15. The act of supporting or speakers up for the rights and interests of others, especially those who are marginalized or oppressed
  10. 17. The process of restoring or helping individuals who have been involved in criminal activities to reintegrate into society and lead productive lives