Daily Philosophy #5

  1. 1. Where the movement against technology began
  2. 3. First name of activist and author Ms Mills ("Epicurean Simplicity")
  3. 5. A position opposing technology
  4. 7. Daily Philosophy's podcast is called the ... philosophy podcast
  5. 9. Related to happiness (as in "... treadmill")
  6. 12. Philosopher and psychologist, warned of the effects of technology on life
  7. 13. Fromm talks about the false promise of unlimited ...?
  8. 14. People who reject technology
  9. 15. The feeling of separation of one's work
  1. 2. The author of the "Foundation" books
  2. 4. Technologies where the individual does not have control over the whole process
  3. 6. All other things being equal: ceteris ...
  4. 8. Renaissance astrologer, famous for his predictions of the future
  5. 9. Technologies where a worker creates the whole product
  6. 10. A foolish or easily deceived person
  7. 11. First name of actor who created the "jade egg"