Daily Philosophy #6

  1. 2. The highest good for Epicurus
  2. 4. Ancient Roman statesman, wrote "On Ends"
  3. 5. Dr John Shand studied philosophy at this university
  4. 7. Author of the argument about Sally and Doris and the distribution of happiness over their lives
  5. 9. Ancient philosopher of happiness
  6. 11. The thesis that a morally good action must maximise happiness
  7. 15. Topic of Daily Philosophy in July 2021
  8. 16. This week's topic of the Accented Philosophy Podcast
  9. 17. One of the authors of the "Happy Endings" article
  1. 1. Foucault's first name
  2. 2. French philosopher, died June 25, 1984
  3. 3. Epicurean ...: Book by Stephanie Mills
  4. 6. Author of the Nicomachean Ethics
  5. 8. Assisting someone who wants to die painlessly to achieve that end
  6. 10. Famous French thinker, first to self-proclaim himself an anarchist
  7. 12. In this kind of euthanasia the person does not want to die
  8. 13. Erich Fromm's book: The Art of ...
  9. 14. ... Sayings: Title of a collection of Epicurus' sayings.