daily routine

  1. 3. We don't have ______ at school.
  2. 5. I _____ to school by bus.
  3. 6. We ______ to music on my cellphone.
  4. 8. I have ________ with my parents everyday.
  5. 10. When I go home I _____ my dog.
  6. 11. I _____ a bus to go back home.
  7. 12. I ____ my bike with my friends.
  1. 1. We _____ volleyball at school.
  2. 2. I don't go to _______ in the morning.
  3. 4. I go home and do my ____________.
  4. 7. I______ at seven o'clock in the morning.
  5. 9. I take a ________ and then I have lunch.