Dairy: Western Australia

  1. 3. A cow that has not borne a calf.
  2. 6. Modern milking method (2 words).
  3. 7. Place where most cattle end up!
  4. 8. Young cow.
  5. 9. A food fed to dairy cows.
  6. 11. British breed of dairy cow.
  7. 13. This needs to be high to support dairy cattle.
  8. 15. Partly digested food returned to the mouth.
  9. 17. The partial sterilization of milk.
  10. 18. Place where cows are milked (2 words).
  11. 19. A soft, white substance formed when milk coagulates.
  1. 1. Mammary gland of female cattle.
  2. 2. Main breed of dairy cow in WA (2 words).
  3. 4. Number of stomach compartments a cow has.
  4. 5. An even-toed ungulate mammal.
  5. 9. Major dairy town in Western Australia.
  6. 10. Product produced from milk.
  7. 12. Inflammation of the udder.
  8. 14. A sugar present in milk.
  9. 16. Land covered with grass.