Daniel & Elizabeth's Baby Shower

  1. 4. Little D's middle name
  2. 7. seat Strap the baby in this to go for a ride
  3. 8. Infant bodysuit
  4. 11. The other nipple the baby sucks on
  5. 12. number of kids Daniel and Elizabeth will have
  6. 13. Dan & Elizabeth can say goodbye to getting any of this
  7. 15. If Elizabeth can help it, Dan will be changing these all the time
  8. 16. Baby crumb catcher
  9. 17. Baby's throne
  10. 18. A baby shakes, shakes, shakes this to drive you crazy
  1. 1. Babies do this to say "feed me", "I'm sleepy", and "change me"
  2. 2. Your sister's baby girl
  3. 3. Dan and Elizabeth will be using lots of these to clean the baby
  4. 5. Daniel and Elizabeth's seed aka "Punchy"
  5. 6. Baby's first (of many) footwear
  6. 9. Baby jail cell (let's hope they never get out)
  7. 10. Baby's first drum set
  8. 11. Babies actually think you disappear when you play this!
  9. 14. Baby chew toy
  10. 16. Baby's feeding tube