Daniel October 2022

  1. 3. We have a vocabulary ___ on Sunday.
  2. 4. ___ what I saw yesterday!
  3. 6. I put the documents in a ___ .
  4. 9. I know the ___ answer.
  5. 10. I don't understand, can you give me an ___ ?
  6. 11. My friend and I can talk for hours; we have fun ___ .
  1. 1. I know your surname, what is your ___ ?
  2. 2. I wrote a ___ on the computer.
  3. 5. Family name is another word for ___ .
  4. 7. Please ___ what you see in the picture.
  5. 8. The ___ on my computer is very dirty.
  6. 12. I have to a ___ for math homework.