
  1. 3. one of the characteristics of historical writing
  2. 4. kingdom represented by legs
  3. 8. statue blown away like _______
  4. 10. when Jews were exiled from Israel
  5. 12. had bad dream that kept him awake
  6. 14. one of the languages Daniel is written in
  7. 15. city Jews were taken to when captured from Judah
  8. 16. Daniel and friends refused to eat king's _________
  9. 18. one of the requirements of young men chosen for king's service
  10. 20. the study of end-time events through Biblical perspective
  11. 23. became Meshach
  1. 1. the head of Neb's dream statue
  2. 2. represented by chest and arms of statue
  3. 5. type of book Daniel is
  4. 6. kingdom represented by head of statue
  5. 7. became Abed-nego
  6. 9. belly and thighs of dream statue
  7. 10. became Belteshazzar
  8. 11. feet of dream statue
  9. 13. the chest and arms of the statue
  10. 17. kingdom represented by belly and thighs
  11. 19. legs of dream statue
  12. 21. became Shadrach
  13. 22. executed because they could not reveal dream