
  1. 1. Number of days Daniel and his friends were given an alternate diet?
  2. 4. Name of the second king to rule Babylon whilst Daniel was there?
  3. 5. What food type did the Hebrews not want to eat?
  4. 10. Colour Daniel was clothed in by King of Babylon after the 'writing on the wall'?
  5. 11. Food type that was given to Daniel and his friends?
  6. 13. In the kings dream, of what were the abdomen and thighs of the image made?
  7. 15. Name of Babylons king who became a 'beast of the field'?
  8. 16. Name of the Mede who conquored Babylon the very night of the 'writing on the wall'?
  9. 18. The image Babylons ruler had made was 6 cubits wide and how many cubits high?
  10. 19. What animal pit was Daniel thrown into?
  11. 20. In the kings dream, of what was the chest and arms of the image made?
  1. 1. How many months went by between Daniels explanation of the dream of the bound stump and the king becoming a beast of the field?
  2. 2. Name given to Daniel by the principal court official?
  3. 3. One of the musical instruments to be played before worship to the image of gold?
  4. 6. Writing on the wall word that is missing: Mene, Mene, ????? and Parsin
  5. 7. How many times hotter was the furnace ordered for the three Hebrews?
  6. 8. In the Kings dream, of what garden soil type were the feet of the image partly made of?
  7. 9. In the kings dream, of what was the head of the image made of?
  8. 12. How many men were seen in the furnace?
  9. 14. Which King was ruling in Judah (Jerusalem) when it was beseiged and Daniel taken to Babylon?
  10. 17. In the Kings dream, of what were the legs of the image made?