
  1. 2. method of pulling content that has changed on a website
  2. 3. program that extends the capability of a browser
  3. 6. term used to refer to the major carriers of network traffic.
  4. 8. a web pages unique address
  5. 10. text based name that corresponds to the IP address of a server that hosts a website.
  1. 1. harassment often involving teens and preteens using technology
  2. 4. websites and tools that foster communications and/or interactions among users, including online social networks, media sharing sites, blogs and micro blogs, wikis, pod-casting, and online gaming.
  3. 5. computer that delivers requested webpages to your computer or mobile device.
  4. 7. technique that transforms a smartphone or internet-capable tablet into a portable communications device that shares its internet access with other computers and devices wirelessly.
  5. 9. real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer or mobile device with many other online users