Dani's Channel Swim

  1. 3. to practice
  2. 6. left
  3. 7. drain
  4. 9. charity
  5. 11. movement of sea water
  6. 13. affected by the moon
  7. 14. scale
  8. 16. no brain, bones, heart or eyes
  9. 17. first person to solo swim the Channel
  10. 19. type of ship
  1. 1. shark
  2. 2. Ernest Shackleton’s ship
  3. 4. a long eventful journey
  4. 5. beach where shark washed up
  5. 8. style of swimming
  6. 10. manoeuvres ships
  7. 12. distance between Dover and Calais
  8. 15. passing something from one person to another
  9. 17. David ________
  10. 18. food