Darwin & Natural Selection

  1. 2. Some finches from south america found their way to the Galapagos where they became______ from other finches.
  2. 5. Individuals do not choose to acquire traits; the___determines what traits will survive.
  3. 8. An inherited trait that helps individuals to survive in a certain environment.
  4. 10. Darwin traveled to South America, the Galapagos, and ________ to study natural selection.
  5. 11. Darwin uses the phrase “descent with ______” to describe the process of evolution.
  6. 12. Darwin's voyage led to the theory of? (Two words)
  7. 14. Darwin published his ideas in his book ______ in 1859.(Three words)
  8. 17. How long was Darwin's journey? (Two words)
  1. 1. Environmental; conditions and years of breeding gave rise to specialized versions of the ____ finch.
  2. 3. Every species tends to produce more individuals than can survive maturity.
  3. 4. artificial selection is selectively breeding__traits
  4. 6. The individuals of a population have many characteristics that differ.
  5. 7. Each species of finch was similar except that their ___ developed to best for their diet
  6. 9. evolution does not always produce the “fittest” organisms, just those that are “fit” enough to _____ _______.(Two words)
  7. 13. Some individuals survive longer and reproduce more than others do.
  8. 14. How many types of species of finches did Darwin collect?
  9. 15. Natural selection works on _______ not individuals.
  10. 16. Naturalist who collected and studied live and fossil specimens during a voyage on the H.M.S beagle.(Two words)