
  1. 3. People working together to reach a goal
  2. 4. Just before summer
  3. 6. The C in CI and CD
  4. 8. Set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications
  5. 10. With or without hub
  6. 11. Payment Card Industry
  7. 12. Financial technology
  8. 14. Indonesian Island
  9. 15. Google's mobile operating system
  10. 16. A MacOS IDE
  1. 1. A language for the web
  2. 2. Island near St. Petersburg
  3. 5. A small insect
  4. 7. Worlds biggest mobile phone manufacturer
  5. 9. Swedish app for transferring money... with a swoosh.
  6. 11. Not postpaid
  7. 13. OS used by Tux