Data types

  1. 2. this data type is same as float but occupies twice as much memory as it.
  2. 4. signed, unsigned, short and long belong to this group.
  3. 7. units in which computer memory is organized.
  4. 9. it represents anything enclosed in double quotes.
  5. 11. this data type contains only integer value but no fractional value.
  6. 12. means to identify the type of data and associated operations of handling it.
  7. 13. the only fundamental data type that doesn't have data type modifiers.
  8. 14. it occupies 10 types and has only slightly greater range and precision than double.
  9. 15. this data type can store any members of the c++ implementation's basic character set.
  1. 1. this data type contain only fractional value that is after decimal.
  2. 3. this prefix make the integer type not to hold negative values.
  3. 5. int, char, float, double are part of this data type.
  4. 6. a named space to hold value of certain data types.
  5. 8. data type used when you are sure a variable is an integer.
  6. 10. data types that are derived from fundamental data types.
  7. 15. the output is displayed by this keyword.
  8. 16. American Standard Code for Information Interchange.