Data Ventures quiz

  1. 3. Chartered supplier owns Close-up and Pepsodent toothpaste brands -
  2. 6. a mechanism for users to receive updated data from data sources
  3. 7. A tool we need to look before sending meeting invite
  4. 9. Most common file format used in building API responses
  5. 11. Acronym for Time Duration after which our signed urls expire
  6. 12. Java framework and a season after winter
  7. 14. Pays our bills and Consumes Feeds
  8. 15. The set of collection of different/random items.
  9. 16. ______ gives you wings
  1. 1. Repository of all our codebase
  2. 2. 1. A bunch of similar things 2. It is commonly used by the engineers for deployments
  3. 3. Owns brands like Costa Coffee, Fresca, Minute Maid, Fanta, Sprite
  4. 4. Owns brands like Cheerios, Pillsbury Atta (Pillsbury Chakki Fresh Atta)
  5. 5. Browser issue you get when UI is hosted on different server than backend
  6. 8. Owns brands like Lux, Dove, Axe, Sunsilk, Vaseline
  7. 10. Roman God of war, Planet and company which owns brands like Hubba Bubba, Juicy Fruit, M&M's, Skittles, Snickers, Twix
  8. 12. 1. Logo of walmart 2. A data processing engine 3. Leads to fire
  9. 13. Most Valued Person and center of our walmart universe