Davis Shadow Crossword

  1. 2. male lead in Chinese shadow performance
  2. 8. Greek character of Turkish Karagoz
  3. 10. Mechanical scaling device used to reduce silhouette portraits
  4. 12. Cambodian version of Ramayana
  5. 14. Introductory picture for Turkish shadow theatre
  6. 15. Classic French shadow play
  7. 17. Clown in Chinese shadow performances
  8. 18. Cafe club that held shadow shows on Friday nights in France
  9. 19. White shadow figures cut out from a black background
  10. 20. Prologue to Karagoz shadow play
  11. 23. Master shadow puppeteer Turkish
  12. 25. Published book on shadow theatre in 1897
  13. 27. Hero of Ramayana
  14. 30. Swivel used to turn puppet in Turkish shadow theatre
  15. 32. Classic fairy tale source for Chinese shadow puppet plays
  16. 33. Motionless pieces such as decor in Turkish shadow theatre
  17. 34. Master Puppeteer for Indonesian shadow theatre
  18. 36. Theatre of leather shadows
  19. 39. Indonesian shadow puppets
  20. 40. Chinese for puppet
  1. 1. Taoist priest who made shadow figure of concubine
  2. 3. Leaf shaped shadow figure of Java
  3. 4. Plays for Indonesian shadow theatre
  4. 5. Turkish for puppet
  5. 6. German anthropologist and sinologist
  6. 7. Whistle used for sound effects in Turkish shadow theatre
  7. 9. Italian showman who gave shadow shows in Paris
  8. 11. French name for black silhouette shadow figures
  9. 13. Established shadow theatrein 1784 in Paris
  10. 16. Inventor and patron saint of Turkish shadow theatre
  11. 21. Female lead in Chinese shadow performances
  12. 22. white cotton shadow screen in Java
  13. 24. Theatre of large shadows
  14. 26. Animator of The Adventures of Prince Achmet in 1926
  15. 28. hero in Mahabharata
  16. 29. Large hides shadow theatre
  17. 31. Muslim month of fasting
  18. 35. Goddess of Mercy and patron deity of Chinese shadow theatre
  19. 37. Ensemble of musical instruments
  20. 38. Shadow shows given in London streets