Day 1 Factors Redefining Management

  1. 3. This is the result of increasing numbers of organizations extending past national borders, creating more competition
  2. 7. The heterogeneous mix of people in an organization is called its workplace _____
  3. 10. the nature of communication among and between managers and employees is changing due to data _____
  4. 12. This term refers to the presence of digital transformation, focus on sustainability, gigs/service economy, emphasis on ethical behaviour, and the rise of stakeholder capitalism
  5. 13. driven The rise of buying and selling of information about individuals and groups is called _____-_____ decision-making
  6. 17. These result from changes in the business cycle as well as international problems
  7. 18. Automation and _____ can take away some jobs but create others
  1. 1. With customer-_____, customers and clients have more and increasing access to information such as reviews and warnings, empowering their decision-making
  2. 2. Reliance on data networks can leave organizations vulnerable to political and natural disasters
  3. 4. When consumers expect businesses to keep up with the latest technology, organizations must emphasize _____
  4. 5. Generational differences also bring _____ in values and expectations to the workplace
  5. 6. Economic pressures arise when an organization is struggling with its _____.
  6. 8. managers need to be agile and adaptable in times of _____
  7. 9. Customer-centricity is also affected by the new _____ economy causing changes in buyer trends
  8. 11. Sometimes competing means _____ for cheap labour
  9. 14. Employees don't set aside their _____ values and lifestyle preferences when they go to work
  10. 15. To compete internationally, Canadian businesses have had to reduce _____, increase productivity, improve quality, and even merge with others
  11. 16. Algorithms and _____ have impacted marketing and increased buyer suspicion