Day 1 Re-cap

  1. 2. Our telephony platform is called what?
  2. 6. Our CRM is called what?
  3. 8. In the acronym HSEQ, what does the H stand for?
  4. 9. During training you take plenty of what?
  5. 10. What is the name of Fibrus' largest government funded project?
  6. 11. One of our core values is, 'Be... what?
  7. 13. The system 'Success Factors' is also known as?
  8. 14. What is the first name of our CS Operations Manager?
  9. 15. In which month was Fibrus founded?
  1. 1. What is the first name of our female Senior Customer Service Agent?
  2. 3. Where might you find the company's organisation charts?
  3. 4. What should you be when starting your day and returning from breaks?
  4. 5. Where is Fibrus' head office?
  5. 7. On which day of the week will you be paid?
  6. 12. Our digital files should be saved where?