Day 2

  1. 1. may be an indicator of sore nipples
  2. 4. Can be classified in 3 different grades
  3. 5. concerns, especially if powdered
  4. 8. May cause lower rise in prolactin
  5. 9. post partum adjustment disorder
  6. 14. postpartum __ is associated with early weaning
  7. 15. post traumatic stress syndrome
  8. 16. Human Milk Banking Association of North America
  9. 17. in Lactogenesis III, can reduce supply
  10. 18. may be prevent with frequent, effective feedings
  11. 19. mothers who choose formula need to prepare it ___
  12. 21. secretory immunoglobulin A
  1. 1. These knowers seek information from a variety of sources
  2. 2. may reduce breast storage capacity
  3. 3. can result in Sheehan's Syndrome
  4. 6. affects 20% of postpartum women
  5. 7. can be prevented or delayed with longer duration of breastfeeding
  6. 10. these knowers like to helped by someone with similar experiences
  7. 11. Best to use few words with these knowers
  8. 12. screened before milk is accepted
  9. 13. "FINAL RULE" on Formula Spring 2014
  10. 15. polycystic ovarian syndrome
  11. 20. These nipples can be easily drawn out by the baby