Days and Months

  1. 1. The month in which you have your last exams
  2. 2. The first day of the week
  3. 3. It exists out of 7 days
  4. 4. The month in which we celebrate Christmas
  5. 5. The ninth month
  6. 8. The fourth month
  7. 9. The month with the fewest (de minste) days
  8. 11. The month before September
  9. 13. The day before Wednesday
  10. 14. The only month that ends with 'h'
  11. 15. The first month of the summer holidays
  1. 1. The first month of the year
  2. 3. The third day of the week
  3. 6. The day before Friday
  4. 7. It exists out of 24 hours
  5. 10. The month in which we celebrate Halloween
  6. 12. The last day of the week
  7. 14. The month with just 3 letters